Glass Mosaic Sunset Mural

Beautiful hand-cut mosaic tile mural installed in our client’s kitchen in Lake James, North Carolina. We created our mosaic work using an artist rendering prepared by Saundra. We met with our client and she selected appealing colors from our boxes of glass chips. Our goal was a sunset in a mountain and lake setting in a very abstract fashion. We cut irregular pieces of glass from large sheets and cobbled them together in the finished design. We adhered our mosaic work to sheets of 1/4″ tile backerboard cut to fit the backsplash space. We used dimensions provided by our client’s contractor. The art work was made in three panels, pre-grouted and pre-sealed at our design center. Our team did the installation. The panels fit like a glove and we only needed to do some touch up grouting at the seams.
Pricing depends upon the complexity of design and size of the glass artwork. WE DO NOT GIVE PRICE QUOTES BY EMAIL. For pricing please fill out the contact us form. Please call our design coordinator Saundra at 704-488-5800 to discuss your project ideas, design, colors, general pricing, etc.