Fused Glass “Bamboo” Wall

We created this wall of “bamboo” for our client’s master bath in West Virginia using a combination of flat and round bamboo hand-crafted tiles. Using dimensions supplied by our client’s contractor we created a mock-up of our client’s wall area on our two large tables in our design center and made the tiles to fit. The glass colors are streaky light and dark browns, streaky amber and iridized silver dividers. We captured the tiles using front mounted clear tile tape and then cut the wall into manageable sized sections and labeled like pieces of a puzzle. The wall size is approximately 9 feet tall and 7 feet wide. For interest we varied the width of the bamboo tiles from 1/2″ to 1″ to 1 1/2″.
Pricing depends upon the complexity of design and size of the glass artwork. WE DO NOT GIVE PRICE QUOTES BY EMAIL. For pricing please fill out the contact us form. Please call our design coordinator Saundra at 704-488-5800 to discuss your project ideas, design, colors, general pricing, etc.