Tom Snyder
Phone: 704.905.7904
Email: TomSnyderjr@aol.com
Following a 25 year career as a Corporate Treasurer, Tom has dedicated the past twelve years to glass work. The precision of his glass cutting and symmetry from his mathematics background, best display themselves in his intricate mosaic vases containing 1,000′s of hand-cut tiles. In 2006, Tom had the opportunity to organize a group of volunteers to construct a 30,000 hand-cut glass tile mural for Extreme Makeover Home Edition. The wall mural was constructed in the catering kitchen of the family in Logan, Utah. Saundra, working with Ty Pennington, prepared a digital rendering of the sunburst pattern.
Tom enjoys teaching classes and workshops. While most of the workshops (see https://designerglassmosaics.com/workshops/ ) are held at the design center in Charlotte, Tom is a part time instructor at Delphi Glass in Lansing, Michigan and has taught in Cincinnati and Chicago.

Saundra Snyder
Phone: 704.488.5800
Email: SaundraHSnyder@aol.com
Saundra, an award winning water color artist, has over 35 years of experience in the art world. She has a real eye for color and works well pulling client colors and decorating themes into unique glass applications. She will oftentimes prepare a watercolor rendering of the glass project for review by the prospective client. She was the artist responsible for the Pen & Ink Renderings for the Spring, Charlotte Mint Museum Home and Garden Tour 2007 & 2008. She has a thriving business with personal home portrait watercolors, a memory of your home in watercolor.
Website: www.homeportraitsbysaundra.com

By appointment you can also visit our new design center.
We are conveniently located at:
11182 Downs Road
Pineville, NC 28134
(Off of Westinghouse Blvd.)
View pictures of our Design Center.